Cheap Car Shipping: How to Reduce Car Transport Costs


Cheap Car Shipping: How to Reduce Car Transport Costs

When you are looking for cheap car shipping, there are a few precautions and prerequisites that you need to consider. To enjoy cheap car transport, you need to do your due diligence and plan ahead. As it is said: Not planning is planning to fail. Cheap car shipping is only possible if you do your homework. Whereas, you might be tempted to choose the first car shipper that you speak with, you should move on with some more research.


Compare Shipping Options

Now that there is a variety of car shipping companies and methods, you need to choose wisely. You may go with a local car carrier or a shipping broker. You may also choose to drive your car or hire a professional driver. There is no one-size-fits-all solution.


If you want to drive your car to the new place, you should keep in mind that gas may not be the only cost that you will have to take care of. Especially if it is a long distance route, you will have to think about stops, food and accommodation. You should also consider the wear and tear. If your vehicle breaks down while en route, that will further strain your budget.


Cheap Car Shipping


A professional shipping broker can optimize the cost to ship a car, as they work with many carriers and have real time information regarding the current market. In most cases, using a reputable auto broker is the cheapest way to ship your car. It alleviates additional transport costs and also removes any risks and hazards concerning your safety.


Shipping your car via train may be another cheap option to take advantage of. However, this method is very slow and for some areas and routes, it may be not an option at all. If you have a limited budget and you are looking for affordable shipping services, then air freight is not recommended. This shipping method is super fast and offers state-of-the art safety and it all comes at a price.


Finally, you will have to compare costs associated with hiring a driver, driving your car or hiring a shipping company. If your expenses seem to be higher if you choose to manage your shipment by yourself, then you should start looking for a cheap car shipping company.


Cheap Car Shipping - How to Make it Possible

Now that there are standard shipping rates, you may still leverage some car shipping trends.


Start Early

You know what they say -  the early bird catches the worm. Make enough time in advance to plan and budget for your car shipping task. Usually, last minute decisions are never good ones. If you are pressed for time, there is a big chance that you end up working with the wrong company. Plan at least two weeks for due diligence and research.


In order to enjoy cheap car shipping, you will need some time to research shipping options, estimate costs and screen potential companies that you may work with. You should dedicate yourself to your mission if you want to succeed. Use lists and make sure that you examine your options knee-deep. Do not skip any cost associated with your auto haul.

Look for a Cheap Car Shipping Company

Ask as many companies as you can to provide you with a car shipping quote. You may start with some suggestions from friends and colleagues. You can even ask around neighbors to see if someone can refer you to a good company that is also affordable.


Look for a Cheap Car Shipping Comapny


While you are looking for cheap car shippers, make sure that you stay on the safe side. Skip companies that are not licensed and have no operating authority. Check with the FMCSA and BBB to confirm that your list of potential names consist of licensed and reputable car shipping companies.


Furthermore, look into auto transporter’s years in business. Of course that does not automatically exclude companies that are new to the market. Just have in mind that experienced car shippers have more resources to arrange cheap car shipping for you.


Cheap car shipping companies will burden you with any unnecessary service in order to fit your budget. You will only enjoy a standard shipping service without any additional premiums.


Leverage Technology

Technology is a friend. Now there are a lot of apps and tools that you can use to plan your budget better and with greater accuracy. Most car shipping providers have online shipping calculators and even apps to help you estimate your approximate costs.


You can research car shipping prices from the comfort of your home. Fill in as many car shipping quotes as you can. Car shipping calculators are very handy when it comes to budgeting for your car move. Once your request is submitted, you will start receiving price offers from different car shipping companies.


Make sure you fill in all of the required information precisely, otherwise you may not receive an accurate price estimate. You should note if your car is inoperable, because such condition will make the job more expensive. It may be wise to cope with mechanical issues, so your car can easily be operated upon pick-up.

Be Flexible With Shipping Methods

If you are not shipping a vehicle that is very expensive or rare, then you better opt for open transport.


Generally, car shippers will ask you if you want to ship your car via enclosed or open transport. Both are safe options if you work with a reputable company. Actually, most of the vehicles are shipped via open, multi-car trailers. That way shippers can offer the most economical shipping option. It is fast and there is greater availability.


Enclosed car shipping is advised in cases when you are shipping a luxury car or a vehicle that will participate in an expo. If you are not shipping a vintage car that needs to be protected from the weather elements, then there is no need to pay extra money. Normally, cars are manufactured to cope with severe bad weather. Rain and snow will not do an irreversible harm to your car.


Be Flexible With Shipping Methods


Bottom line is, go with an open car carrier  if you own a common brand vehicle. You will share the cost with the other vehicles that will be transported simultaneously with yours. As there is much competition between open car carriers, prices tend to be lower.

Be Flexible With Dates

Better things come to those who are patient. While you may be eager to have your car delivered as fast as possible, you should not make rushed decisions. Car shipping companies will charge you more if you are looking to book exact dates.


To avoid any additional charges, do not try to speed up your shipment and be open to a wider time frame. Keep in mind that the logistics industry is a seasonal business with its highs and lows. Shipping your vehicle during the winter will cost you less money. However if there are severe weather conditions, that may take more time and resources for the job to be completed.

Be Flexible With Place

When your goal is cheap car shipping, then you may have to compromise with your comfort. Surely, we all want our purchases and shipments to be delivered right to our doorstep. However, that will make the car shipping process more expensive.


That is true especially if you live in a rural area. As it will take more time and fuel for the driver to ship cars to remote locations, understandably it will cost more money to you. When you are discussing pick-up and drop-off with your sales representative, see if you can have your car delivered to a nearby terminal.

Whereas it is not as convenient as the door-to-door transport method, having your car shipped to a nearby terminal can write off a few bucks from your bill.


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