Insurance is important when it comes to pretty much everything. There is auto insurance, house insurance, life insurance and many more. Nowadays, you can insure pretty much anything. Auto transport insurance is the coverage provided by an insurance company when one is shipping a vehicle or motorcycle. This type of insurance protects customers and trucking companies from having to pay thousands of dollars for accidental damages or acts of God. Usually, there is a deductible which must be paid in order to file a claim and to be paid out. The deductible can range from $500 to $2500 and in some cases it can be $5000.
Auto transport insurance requirements
Every logistics provider sets their own car transport insurance requirements, but in most cases carriers are required to carry 1 million dollars in public liability and at least $250,000 in cargo protection. The cargo insurance is split evenly amongst the amount of vehicles loaded onto the truck/trailer. This is one of the main reasons why very high end automobiles get placed on enclosed transport as those types of carriers carry a higher cargo insurance of usually 500 hundred thousand to 1 million dollars in coverage. The auto transport insurance cost is covered by the carrier. This means that you are fully protected at no additional charge. Some companies will try to sell “additional insurance” however we recommend you not to do that as you don’t need it. Auto transport insurance rates have skyrocketed for carrier companies due to claims and bad drivers making easily preventable mistakes. Auto transport insurance companies insure their clients (trucking companies). One can file a claim for damages caused during transport after delivery has happened and after it has been properly notated on the delivery paperwork. It is also a good idea to take pictures of the damage(s) in order to have it documented properly. This will help your case when filing the claim with the insurance company. Most small damages will be covered by the carrier out of pocket as they don’t want their insurance policy premium to increase due to many claims. This is convenient for the customer as well because you don’t have to deal with insurance adjusters/agents who delay the process of having your damage repaired usually. To conclude, auto transport insurance is just like any insurance where it protects you from accidents and/or acts of God. It is just one more thing that adds to a great customer experience. Reach out to us today to inquire about additional information on car shipping rates and insurance. You can reach us at (312) 224-8620 or visit us at www.TCIships.com