If you are career-orientated you are one of the people that would be very excited to hear: “You got the job! Can you start in 2 months?” Another career step, and a new place to live. Well, that happened to me too. Emotions and adrenaline were high, not to mention all the planning and tasks I needed to do before moving out! I needed to finish my old job, make sure all my bills were paid, book a flight, find a new place to live, etc.
After a long time spent planning the move and packing the house, everything seems set in place, except one thing: my car. I need to figure out how to get my car to the new state quickly, because I will need it from day one! Where do I start? I have never used car transport services before. My common sense tells me I should ask for an open auto transport instant quote because time is running out and I need to finish setting this up!
I Google “Car Auto Transport Quotes.”
The top three results are paid advertisements and all of them seem to promise that I will have the best auto transport experience. Scrolling down I see more and more auto transport instant quotes that promise to be best ones.
How do I make sure I will not be caught in a scam?
It is the internet, remember, don’t trust everything you see. I am looking for open auto transport instant quotes again. I see reviews and testimonials online. My budget is tight, so I am interested in cost-effective car shipping solutions. I don’t need a car shipping provider who will get my credit card number and charge me upfront without any commitment.
I landed on TCI logistics’ website because they promise to keep my money safe.
I filled in my pickup location, desired destination, my car’s model, desired delivery timetable and my contact details. I received my free car transport quotes immediately.
- The website cost calculator is easy to use and the results match my budget. I confirmed the offer online and gave the company a call just to be sure all is booked.
- It is so important to confirm the shipping date and to make sure the website information didn't mislead me.
- TCI logistics assigned a professional agent for me to help me ship my car.
- They answered all my questions– because of the tight budget I asked about the factors that affect the cost. They explained prices depend on locations, shipping method, my car’s model and size.
- The agent scheduled my car transportation with an excellent time and cost.
My car was already picked up and it is on its way to my new city. It is extraordinarily easy when you deal with professionals in the car transportation industry. I can even text the agent and track my car!
I feel safe because I found the right way to ship my car through professionals at TCI logistics. Now I realize that getting the right auto transport quote is one of the important things you need to do when you start the process of moving to a new state.
Car Shipping Calculator: How to Estimate Costs Right
In a response to the high demand, many professional auto transporters and brokers have incorporated helpful online tools, such as the car shipping calculator. A car shipping cost estimator is very beneficial. It is a free online tool that gives you the idea of how much car shipping companies charge.